Domenica 1 settembre, dalle 17:20 scatta l’appuntamento

musicale con il programma Ducalic Rock!

Info, news su avvenimenti e concerti, ma soprattutto una

caterva di sound quella prodotta nell’ora in diretta streaming

dai mastodontici Fischerman’s Studios. Quindi…ei DJ se ci sei schiaccia il tasto PLAY!! Collegati a RADIO EUSTACHIO!

^BBartolomeo Eustachio.^b Portrait of Bartolomeo Eustachio (1524-74), Italian anatomist. Eustachio researched the teeth, ear, kidneys, uterus, cranial nerves and muscles of the head and neck. He discovered the adrenal glands, a valve in the heart and a tube linking the inner ear to the throat. The heart valve and ear tube were named ‘Eustachean’ after him. In 1564 he published ^IOpuscula anatomica ^i(Anatomical Works). Another work ^ITabulae Anatomicae^i (Anatomical Drawings) which contains detailed illustrations like those of Vesalius, remained undiscovered until 1714. Eustachio was an opponent of the work of Vesalius, favouring instead the theories of Galen.

Ducalic Rock!

In onda Domenica dalle 15:00 alle 16:00 e in replica Mercoledì dalle 23:00 alle 00:00.
Ogni domenica dalle 15 circa l'appuntamento fisso con il punk rock è qui su Radio Eustachio con DucalicRock! Editoriale Le [...]

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